Consortium partners and funders

UPSCALE brings together four research partners: LUT University (Finland) as the coordinator, Utrecht University (The Netherlands), Sophiahemmet University (Sweden) and University of Agder (Norway).

LUT University logo
Utrecht University logo
Sophiahemmet University logo
University of Agder, Centre for E-Health logo

UPSCALE has received funding from Research Council of Finland, Dutch Research Council, Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare, and The Research Council of Norway under the framework the co-fund partnership of THCS Transforming Health and Care Systems (Grant Agreement No. 101095654 of the EU Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme). 

The Research Council of Finland logo
The Research Council of Norway logo
The Dutch Research Council logo
THCS logo
The Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare logo
EU Flag logo
A group picture of the consortium partners in a park at summer. People wave, smile, show thumbs up, and cheer.
Project partners in the project kick off meeting.